Friday, 6 May 2011

Monday, 28 March 2011

Flash Back

Moms telling me about my little nephew got me thinking about how a kid i was or still am. I remember how I always got lost in Khomasdal alone exploring the rivers, just to see new things, danger spots to look out for.

For a year I missed school just to explore with a friend that did not go to a school. Finding interesting things at that time ranging from electronics to old furniture and trying to figure out where to go next and,
I must say at that time it was safe for any kid to do that without the fear for danger.

Street football was the afternoon sports for the hood kids.

Saturday, 26 March 2011


You know? There is something very funny in the air. What does it smell like? Love perhaps?
There are a lot of us out there who really get the idea of love or of being in love and I must say I am testament to the feeling.
How could this be in the making of mankind? Well, it is.

The emotional idea is beyond catchy. But the feeling I known as love.

The love of family
The love of music
The love for a beautiful woman
The love for brotherhood,
that is the love I know.

but today was heavy with emotions and one of that is of love. when I saw her I was like, bang! This is it. "beautiful as ever, love at first sight I gather" Taxi... Twice from the same woman. That is love.

Good Night

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Doing what You LOVE

There are few things that get me up in the morning and one of those things is Music. And when I get reviews like this one right here, I barely sleep. lol 

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Beer Ad - Brave Warriors - Gardeners (Namibia 2011)

New FaceBook page

hey hey hey.. this is my first blog post of all blogs to come and i am really feeling this right here, right now. So, new blog and a new artist facebook page. New Things!!

Follow me on my facebook page or on my new and improved Twitter bird site