Saturday 5 October 2013

The Cover story

Its early in the morning, the sun is up but covered by grey clouds and a strong wind is blowing out    there in the western Cape Town.

Yesterday I witnessed fellow creatives slapped with a hard cover of what seem to me at the time as the wrong thing to do at that moment. Now I do understand the whole vibe, after going back into history and how this market is marketed. Its a shame because that will never be a respectable industry among creatives.. or is it?

They played amazingly great but it was not them.. or is it?

Someone please let me know, because I don't get it.

Why are we making music? *this is not a question to myself*

and don't know what else to say about this.

Saturday 7 September 2013

The flight to Sweden

A cloud of silence as if not bothered by the gentle flow of air all around a bright shinny object gliding across the sky... As if in a cocoon with a hundred other souls. 

I choose to believe that it was so instead of a long ass flight to a beautiful country surrounded by pools of still open water, a green landscape that reminded me of my desert country somewhere down there back home and open spaces infused with riveting patterns of life. 

Somewhere down there lies a future that will lead a great generation of dreams and this growing Beleive in the power of the word of God, that positive word that turns all them dreams into reality...  

And now we back home, back at it but with a Much more clearer vission of the road ahead. 
Thank you. 

Saturday 13 July 2013

maybe not

things are always moving with or without you. just vibe with me for a while

Saturday 17 November 2012

the Alchemist spitting gold bars in Otjiherero

might contain offensive language and imagery...   4Kman! thinking about the day we did this clip @ MBG film studios. heavy Just enjoy it for now, translations coming soon.. out of air time. shap

With Love from home... and they say I got Soul

This is what they said.  you will have tilt your head for this one because i don't have the tools to this Mac..

Sunday 15 July 2012

Where did this come from

Wait stop think.. Are you doing the right thing here? By the way incase you wonder who I am referring to, me. Your acting like your on crack African. Your saying some radom shit on social networks and spending less time practicing your art. Let's not even think about the school. You need to take a break from all this for a while. No worries, you will finds this things when your done with the more important things. Get it right braaaaaaa. And where is your plan and why is it not on paper? That excuse you used on twitter of you finding it hard to remember words...Bulllllll. Not this time bro. Sit and work your plan out. I know you have one. It's what keeps you goin. Shap naaaa braaaaaaaa.